domingo, 25 de febrero de 2007


En uno de mis anteriores journals en Deviantart, os conte que hice una portada (1ª de una serie de 3)por encargo de una editorial:MEDEA EDICIONES,y que tras una serie de bocetos y pruebas de color que tenian que ser retocadas y aprobadas por el editor(todo esto durante mes y medio),la portada fue terminada. Tras recibir el visto bueno de este "editor",la imagen de la portada fue enviada a la editorial para publicar. Pero resulta que al dia siguiente me llaman y me dicen que la portada no se va a publicar,que no me la pagan y que ya no cuentan mas conmigo,sin darme mas explicacion. La estafa por parte de estos "señores"ha terminado con lo siguiente: Me entero de que no soy la primera estafada por esta editorial,y tras una serie de reclamaciones no respondidas por email,la abogada de la asociacion de ilustradores a la que pertenezco:APIC [link] reclama judicialmente el importe de la factura y al final ellos la han pagado,eso si,diciendome que estoy avisada de que me pondran verde en todos sitios y que nunca trabajaran conmigo,palabras textuales. Asi que yo por mi parte,y por consejo de APIC,: AVISO A TODO ARTISTA A NO TRABAJAR CONMEDEA EDICIONES NO PAGAN. Pasad este aviso a todo el que conozcais. ***************************************************************FINALLY MY COVER ILUSTRATION WAS PAID!!!In one of my previous journals in Deviantart I´d said that I did a cover illustration (1srt of a series of 3) by request from MEDEA EDITIONS, and after a series of sketches and color samples to be retouched and approved by the publisher (all that over a month and a half), the cover illustration was finished.After receiving the ok from this "publisher", the image of the cover illustration was sent to the editorial house to be published.But it turns out that on the following day they call me and say to me that the cover illustration will not to be published, that they do not pay it to me and that they will not work with me anymore, without giving me any explanation.The swindle from these "gentlemen" has ended with the following:I find out that I am not the first one defrauded by this publishing house, and after to a series of claims not answered by email, the lawyer of the illustrators' association whom I belong, APIC ,[link] claims them judicially the amount of the invoice and ultimately they have paid it. But, saying to me that I am warned, of that I will be banned in all sites and that they will never work with me again, textual words.So I say to all you, and by APIC's advice:I WARN EVERY ARTIST TO DO NOT WORK WITH MEDEA EDITIONS: THEY DO NOT PAY.Spread this news to every contact and artist that you know. TEXT TRANSLATED BY MY FRIEND